1. McDonald’s Twitter Hashtags Controversy
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Top 15 Social Media Controversies Of The Year
McDonald came up with a master strategy (at
least, they thought of it this way) with their promotional hashtags
#meetthefarmers and #mcdstories. The second hashtag, however, triggered
uploads of horror stories by the Twitter users.
(Image Credit: sustainanerd.wordpress.com)

2. Shiv Sena vs Palghar girls
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Top 15 Social Media Controversies Of The Year
The sad demise of
Bal Thackeray
was followed by an incident waiting to happen. Two Palghar girls posted
their opinion online, criticising the shutdown in Mumbai and were
arrested for the same. They were also on the receiving end of banter
from the Shiv Sena workers.
(Image Credit: shivsena: indiavision.com)

3. Snickers Paying Celebs to get Clicked having Snickers Bars
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Top 15 Social Media Controversies Of The Year
Another marketing gimmick going overboard and
going wrong. UK's Office of Fair Trading investigated the matter, but
cleared Snickers later of the controversy.
(Image Credit: theregister.co.uk)

4. Robert Vadra’s ‘Mango People’ Statement
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Top 15 Social Media Controversies Of The Year
Sonia Gandhi’s son-in-law triggered a controversy
with his statement, ‘Mango people at a banana republic’. It was in
response to Arvind Kejriwal questioning his dealings with DLF, and
apparently didn’t go down well with the so-called ‘mango people’.
(Image Credit: theunrealtimes.com)

5. Tweet Controversy just before the Aurora Shooting
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Top 15 Social Media Controversies Of The Year
A journal affiliated with the National Rifle
Association, under the Twitter username, American Rifleman, posted a
tweet, ‘Good Morning, shooters. Happy Friday! Weekend Plans?’ And thus
the debate followed.
(Image Credit: article.wn.com)

6. When Facebook Updates got AI Employees Arrested
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Top 15 Social Media Controversies Of The Year
Two employees of AI posted some negative remarks
about the Supreme Court in a Facebook group, which led to their arrest.
KVJ Rao and Mayank Sharma were the alleged culprits.
(Imge Credit: bharatdefencekavach.com)

7. Microsoft Tweet against a Politician
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Top 15 Social Media Controversies Of The Year
An employee of Microsoft tweeted from Microsoft’s
Twitter account, "@RBReich your granddaughter’s level of discourse and
policy > those of Ann Coulter." The post was directed against Ann
Coulter and a controversy ensued. (Image Credit: mediaite.com)

8. Narendra Modi’s ‘Rs 50-crore Girlfriend’ Remark
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Top 15 Social Media Controversies Of The Year
Directing his ire against Shashi Tharoor,
Modi’s remark was not even worth defending. Tharoor replied,
“@narendramodi My wife is worth a lot more than your imaginary 50
crores. She is priceless. But you need2be able2love some1 2understand
(Image Credit: indiatimes.com)

9. KitchenAid Crosses this Line
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Top 15 Social Media Controversies Of The Year
It was none other than Obama that KitchenAid
pulled a crude joke on. Their tweet read, “"Obamas gma even knew it was
going 2 b bad! She died 3 days b4 he became president. #nbcpolitics".
This tweet came in respect to Obama mentioning his grandma during his
Presidential debate.
(Image Credit: thinkprogress.org)

10. Puducherry Businessman’s Tweet gets him behind the Bars
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Top 15 Social Media Controversies Of The Year
Targeting P Chidambaram's son Karti Chidambaram, a
small time businessman posted an ‘offensive’ tweet, for which he was
arrested later.
(Image Credit: lighthouseinsights.in)

11. StubHum Makes the Cut Too
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Top 15 Social Media Controversies Of The Year
The f-word couldn’t stay away from the list,
thanks to StubHub. Criticising the ticket website, a tweet from the
StubHub read, “Thank fuck it’s Friday! Can’t wait to get out of this
stubsucking hell hole”. In all probability, it is alleged to be a tweet
from a dissatisfied StubHum employer.
(Image Credit: bleachernation.com)

12. Racist Tweets by Football Fans
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Top 15 Social Media Controversies Of The Year
Fabrice Muamba was on the receiving end of a
racist tweet by a student of Swansea University. In another incident,
Rio Ferdinand’s inbox had to welcome another racist remark by a
(Image Credit: bet.com)

13. American Apparel uses Hurricane for Promotion
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Top 15 Social Media Controversies Of The Year
American Apparel posted an ad centring on the
Hurricane Sandy. It read that the people ‘bored’ with the storm can
enjoy 20% discount on apparels.
(Image Credit: twitter.com)

14. Kim Kardashian’s Tweet Bite on Israel
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Top 15 Social Media Controversies Of The Year
Kim Kardashian tweeted something in support to
Israel, saying that she was praying for the well-being of the country.
She had to face the ire of her fans.
(Image Credit: ifashiontimes.com)

15. Donald Trump Controversy
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Top 15 Social Media Controversies Of The Year
Donald offered to donate $5 million if he was
provided with President Obama's college records and passport
application. Macy's were appealed to severe their ties with Trump.
Public platforms are prone to controversies, why should social media lag
behind. Let’s see what 2013 has in store for us. (Image Credit: nydailynews.com)
6/28/2014 | |